Quakers Lane Surgery Tel: 01748 850440

Our Doctors

Dr. Tim Mawer

Dr Martha Hilland

Dr. Dan Wilkins           

Dr. Andrew Boothroyd        

Dr. Sophie Eleanor

Practice Manager

Fiona McGarrell

Deputy Practice Manager

Caroline Palmer

Practice Nurses

Deborah Turner

Nicola Henderson

Healthcare Assistants

Sue Rutherford

Kristie Thompson

Prescribing Pharmacist

Marilyn Brookes

Community Staff Report

To contact the community staff such as district nurses and podiatrists, or to book a phlebotomy or xray appointment please contact 01748 883467.

Heartbeat Alliance

Heartbeat Alliances is a GP based organisation established to provide high quality care for local people, delivered by local clinicians whom patients know and trust to care for them. There are 21 GP Practices across the area who have come together to create the Alliance. For more information about services, health issues, news, events and feedback, visit :- www.Heartbeatalliance.org.uk